
We only need your name, last name and email. Alternatively, sign up simply and quickly with Facebook or a Google account

Of course you can. Buying as a Guest means that your personal details are not stored anywhere on the platform and therefore the “Fimble Core" can not send you offers and special discounts based on your shopping preferences.

Nevertheless, you can choose what you want from the product categories, place your order and they will be delivered to your location.
Please note that not all Offers running in our stores are available in Guest mode. This means that you will not be able to take advantage of all our offers if you are not a registered member.

In each dish you choose you will find below all the available ingredients that you can add or remove by clicking.

Here you can add some extra details about the dish or some material. However, if an option is not available, we cannot guarantee that your comment will be considered. For example, if you take notes "without salt", we will take this into account and do not add any extra salt - but the product may already have salt. In addition, if you write us to add some material that is charged extra, without having marked the corresponding available box, it will not be taken into account. To be sure about whether something is happening or not, you can call the store and ask us

Here you can write comments regarding the delivery of the order. For example, you can write not to ring the bell, but to call you. Comments written in this field only appear in the guide. This means that you can't write - for example - that you don't want salt in your potatoes.

As your order starts to be ready almost immediately after its completion, you should call us at the store as soon as possible and let us know so that we can take care of it immediately.


Of course you can, at any stage. But please, do it quickly, before the driver leaves the store, so that we can make any modification immediately.

To cancel an order, call directly to the store or the call center.

With the cancellation of the order, we make sure to proceed immediately with the process of returning the amount. The refunding process takes place on weekdays (Monday to Friday) and the amount is shown, depending on the bank, in 3-4 business days.

According to law 4496/2017, which introduced the EU Direction 2015 / 720EE, an environmental fee is imposed from January 1, 2018 for thin plastic transport bags. It is part of the compliance with the proper European Directive. The above law stipulates an environmental fee of € 0.07 plus VAT 24%, ie a total of € 0.09 per bag and appears at the end of your order as "Plastic bag - environmental fee".

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